Cherished by artists of the Romantic period, depictions of humans submerged in the sublime colors and shapes of raw nature look now, in the West, like a fantasy far removed from most people's lived reality. Our flora and fauna have largely been industrialized away, but their remains, in their fleeting state, offer a new complex of meanings. For Creature / Verdure, the second issue of Pinsapo Journal, we asked our contributors to consider the following question: What is the creative/intellectual labor that plants and non-human animals do?
Edited by Miriam Atkin, Claire DeVoogd and Öykü Tekten
Writing by Sahar Muradi, James Loop, Claire DeVoogd, Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves, Fernando Quigua, Birhan Keskin, Miriam Atkin, Jeff Benjamin, Nicola Masciandaro
Art by Ethan Gould
Designed by Madeleine Richter and Jaime Thomas
Creature/Verdure | Pinsapo Journal Issue Two
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Pages: 87
Genre: journal, poetry, essay, visual art